Richard Diebenkorn

Early Abstractions 1949 - 1955
November 2000
Book Softcover, 46 pages
ISBN: 0-9677573-6-4
Diebenkorn’s early works from the late 40s through the mid 50s are among the finest examples of postwar American abstraction. Characterized by calligraphic lines and shifting fields of color, these works reflect both the broader interest in abstraction shared among many artists of the period and the diverse landscapes in which Diebenkorn lived during these years. Diebenkorn left Sausalito, California, in 1949 to pursue his graduate degree in art at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. 1n 1952 he moved again to Urbana, Illinois, to teach, and then, in 1952 returned to California where he settled in Berkeley. Each new surrounding provoked a change in the artist’s palette and in the overall rhythm of his compositions.
Softcover, 46 pages 
ISBN: 0-9677573-6-4